Nobody’s perfect, and that goes for association marketing teams! In a profession that involves testing, trial, error, and experimentation, imperfections should be expected. But there are some mistakes that should be taken more seriously, mainly because they can affect your stability and your revenue. We’re analyzing the top seven marketing mistakes we see association marketing teams making. They are...

1. Not taking advantage of your member data 

2. Not learning from your member community 

3. Not using web tracking 

4. Not using automations 

5. Not using engagement scoring 

6. Not personalizing emails 

7. Not using dynamic content 

Discover if you’re making any of these mistakes at your association, and more importantly, how to correct them, in our guide. Start engaging members and prospects more effectively with these tips!  

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Turn Your Marketing Mistakes into Wins   

eBook:  7 Marketing Mistakes You Might Not Know You're Making