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Higher Logic Thrive

Volunteering and Mentoring Solutions

Build, manage, and provide complete mentoring and volunteering programs for your community members.

Drive professional growth and member engagement through our robust volunteer and mentoring solutions.

  • Applications and opportunities

    Applications and opportunities

    Easily manage your volunteering and mentoring programs with applications and opportunities.

    • Create volunteer opportunities and match them to volunteers.
    • Make it easy for members to fill out volunteer profiles, sign up, participate, and earn rewards and virtual badges.
    • Enable members to enroll as a mentor and/or mentee and request a mentoring relationship with another enrolled user.
    • Set parameters to customize your programs with timeframe and program capacity.
  • Dashboards


    Get a bird’s eye view of mentoring and volunteering engagement with time-saving reporting.

    • Show the value of your programs by tracking and reporting on total hours, dollars, points, and volunteers.
    • Display a leaderboard to showcase volunteers.
    • Create opportunities for volunteers to help run the program with a specific volunteer program manager admin level.
    • Surface key data about mentors and mentees, like who’s involved, status, and lifespan of these relationships.
    • Integrate your community with your AMS to write back volunteering and mentoring activities so you can monitor the whole member engagement picture.
  • Email templates

    Email templates

    Send important information to participants using our prepopulated email templates.

    • Take advantage of our default emails to keep volunteers and mentors on track as they progress through their opportunity or program.
    • Configure which templates are sent at the opportunity type level.
  • Automation rules

    Automation rules

    Automate time-consuming program management so you can do more with your volunteering and mentoring programs.

    • Enable out-of-the-box automations to help run your volunteer and mentor program.
    • Gamify your programs with automatic ribbon and badge assignments to keep participants engaged.

Encourage more participation with your community—and your association.

Do more with less

Deliver rewarding volunteering and mentoring programs without the administrative burden.

Boost member engagement

Create a sense of belonging with volunteering and mentoring opportunities.

Enable professional development

Give members a way to share their experience and work with you to achieve professional and personal goals.

Explore our Volunteer Manager and Mentor Match solutions

  • Volunteer Manager

    Make managing volunteers easy

    Time-saving reporting shows the value of your volunteering program and makes it easy to get members involved.

    Encourage engagement via volunteering

    Gamify and incentivize participation in your in-community volunteering program to grow engagement in your community and your association.

    Create a new member benefit

    Provide members with the opportunity to belong, share their expertise with the organization and other members, and pursue continuous learning.

  • Mentor Match

    Make mentor management easy

    Match mentors to mentees and facilitate connections without the administrative burden.

    Enable professional development

    Connect ambitious mentees and experienced mentors so they can work together to achieve professional and personal goals.

    Engage members at every stage

    Provide real opportunities to be involved with your association and deepen member engagement through mentoring.

Volunteer and Mentoring Resources

4 min read

Tags: Success Kit

Volunteer Engagement Success Kit

Volunteer programs help drive member engagement and association success. Learn how to build a thriving volunteer program with these resources.

Learn More

7 min read

Tags: Guide

11 Steps to Start a Successful Mentoring Program

Engage association members with a one-to-one connection. Explore our tips to help you start and maintain a mentoring program.

Learn More

15 min read

Tags: Guide

Path to Renewal: Mentoring and Volunteering

Mentoring programs and volunteer programs offer a way to push members up the engagement ladder and keep them coming back to your association.

Learn More

Ready to see what Higher Logic Thrive can do for you?

Let’s talk about how we can help your association spark engagement, improve member retention and achieve growth.